Starting at $766.03
  • Usually ships in 4 weeks



  • 25 - 284F process temperature range
  • 40 - 120F ambient temperature limit
  • 25% over-range capability
  • ±0.5% full scale accuracy
  • ±2.0” Hg from 0-25” Hg
  • Sterilizable and autoclavable


Anderson-Negele EK Series Mini Sanitary Pressure Gauge has been developed to address the growing number of Life Sciences applications that require a smaller gauge dial and a fractional sanitary fitting. This product meets both criteria with its low profile 2.5in case and standard 3/4in Tri-Clamp fitting. 

The EK Series is designed for use at process temperatures up to 284F and to withstand repeated in-line sterilization at up to 300F. Anderson’s new back access re-zero adjustment is a standard feature on all models. The “Mini” gauge is also the only sanitary gauge available with a true one-inch tri-clamp fitting, eliminating the long-standing problem of instrumenting one-inch lines. This unique fitting will accept a one-inch gasket without impinging on the diaphragm.